Lawrence Gibbs

Profile Updated: April 29, 2010
Lawrence Gibbs
Residing In: Stillwater, OK USA
Spouse/Partner: Peggy
Occupation: Stillwater newspaper editor
Children: Greg - chef at Arrowhead Resort Grand Lake
Lindsay - elementary school teacher

What's Happened Since 1960, you ask..

I spent some 33 years of my career (after graduateing from O-State) working for the Bellati Bros., who owned the Stillwater NewsPress. Many of those years I did a morning news program on their KSPI. Two finer employers you'd never find. They believed in broadening their employee's horizons and national conventions were the best way.

International flights were the most exciting, led by a flight into Israel aboard an "all lights out" 747, an Air Guard flight to England refueling fighters all the way across the Atlantic, a Russian flight to Moscow and probably the most unusual - flying aboard an Air Havana plane with its uncomfortable seating and aerosol spraying of the cabin before landing of the flight out of Cuba.

The company wasn't fun anymore after the brothers sold the paper and retired. I stayed with it for a few years but when I could get on Medicare, the publisher of the Perkins Journal (a weekly) offered me 8 pages each week we called the Stillwater Journal. Finally I was a publisher - the like of Gaylord, Hearst and William Allen White. It was 30 hours a day, 6-and-a-half days a week. But it was fun.

I continue as the voice of the Stillwater adult community band of 90 some members, for more than 20 years now. And writing my column of 35+ years called 'Gamboling.'

Recently, my wife asked, "What are you going to do today?" I told her, "Nothing." She countered, " I thought you did that yesterday." I told her I did, "but I didn't get finished!"

School Story:

I recall the difficulty learning the presidents - in order - for Miss Morrison. (Of course, in those days the list ended with Eisenhower.) Soon after I was handed my diploma -BAM - I could recite the presidents in order. An epiphany? Magic? I think so. Go figure.