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Robert Acosta (Murrell)
Patricia Adams (Perry)
Susie Allsman (Rankin)
Mickey Ashworth (Miller)
Sharon Bass (Smith)
Cathy Bidack (Kirk)
Kay Billings (Bonebrake)
Linda Brown
James Brown III
Andy Campbell
Gerald Campbell
Kaye Carson (Jeffries)
Ralph Conover
Sandra Cook (Ryan)
James Cox
Barry Curl
Geraldine Darden (Freeman)
Ruth Darrough (Johnston)
Helen Delhotal (Perry)
Richard Dulaney
Judy Ellis (Holmboe)
Patty Ferguson (Gardner)
Betty Field (McCormick)
Bob Gow
Jerry Hayes
Judy Hayes (Bishop)
Ruby Hazer (Rahill)
Lanny Hemry (Wallace)
Kathy Higginbotham (McNeal)
Win Holbrook
Beverly Hollis (Houston)
Jo Ann Hoover (DeVous)
Steve Horwitz
Jan Hoyt (Dameron)
W. Earl Ingram, III
Prudy Johnson (Gorrell)
Janie Jones (McFarland)
Phyllis Keel (Ricks)
Kerry Kudlacek
Hershel Lamirand
Carolyn Larson (Sharp)
Jamie Lewinsohn (Gaddis)
Nancy Luper (Jones)
Tom Lyle
Linda Madison (Hibbs)
Donna McAlister (O'Keefe)
Janie McDonald (Comstock)
Lynda McFarlane (Haller)
Anna Meadows
Bobbie Means (Cuttell)
Sally Menifee (West)
Gary Mercer
George Metcalfe
Robert Milburn
Margaret Miller (Pickard)
Mary Montgomery (Rockett)
Charles (Chuck) Nelson
Herbert Pexa
Carol Prosser (Magness)
Connie Rains (Golden)
Sandra Rallis (Robertson)
Judith Ray (Henley)
Beverly Richards (Carter)
Judy Roesler (Capshaw)
Earl Schott
John Schroer
John Shackford
Carol Shaffer (Compton)
Susie Shaw (Francis)
Larry Shenold
Kathleen Simpson
Dan Smalley
Josephine Sochor (Herring)
Raymond Stahl
Annette Steen (Harris)
Sue Stoneman
Ginny Stuart (Foster)
J. Chris Sturm
Phillip Truss
Ronald Turner (A Turner)
Dana Webber (Bailey)
Judy Willard (Moody)
Sam Williamson
Carol Woods (Vesley)
Bonnie Wyatt (Byrd)
Melinda Zeeck